How to Add AI Chat Assistant to Your Favorites

Making your preferred AI Chat Assistant easily accessible is a breeze! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add them to your favorites:

1. Navigate to Your Dashboard:

In your dashboard, locate the AI Panel on the left side. Look for "AI Chat" and click on it.

2. Select Your Preferred AI Assistant:

In the AI Chat section, you'll find a list of available AI Chat Assistants. Choose your desired assistant, and you'll see a star icon. Just click it to add the assistant to your favorites.

3. Confirmation Pop-Up:

A pop-up message will appear, confirming, "Chat Bot Added to Favorites."

4. Check Your Favorites:

To verify, return to your dashboard by clicking "Dashboard" in the AI Panel section. Under "Favorite AI Chat Assistants," you will find the AI assistant you selected.

5. Remove from Favorites (if needed):

If you wish to remove an AI assistant from your favorites, click the "star" icon again. A pop-up message will confirm, "Chat Bot Removed from your Favorites.

That's it! Congratulations! You've successfully added your favorite AI assistant to your favorites for quick and easy access. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.  Enjoy the seamless interaction!

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