How to Add a Template to Favorites

Adding your preferred templates to favorites is a snap. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the AI Panel

In your dashboard, proceed to the AI Panel section located on the left side. Click on "Templates."

Step 2: Choose Desired Template

Once in the "AI Templates" section, explore the available options based on your specific needs and preferences.

Step 3: Add to Favorites

Within your chosen template, find the "star" icon positioned in the upper right corner. Click on it to add the template to your Favorites.

 A pop-up message will confirm, stating, "Template added to Favorites."

Step 4: Verify Favorites

Return to your dashboard by selecting "Dashboard" in the AI Panel. Under "Favorite Templates," ensure that the chosen template is now listed.

Step 5: Remove from Favorites 

If necessary, you can remove a template from your Favorites. Click the "star" icon again, and a pop-up message will confirm, stating, "Template Removed from Favorites."

Congratulations! You've successfully added your desired template to Favorites, enhancing accessibility. For any inquiries or further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Efficient template management is now at your fingertips!

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How to Select an AI Template