How to Create a Group

As a DIYvinci Pro member, you have the ability to create groups on Here are the steps to create a group:

  1. Log in to your DIYvinci account.
  2. Click on the "Groups" link in the main menu underneath the "Community" tab.

3. Click on the "Create a Group" button Located on the Group Directory nav bar.

4. Fill out the details of your group, including the group name and description.

5. Choose the privacy settings for your group. You can make your group public (visible to all users), private (visible only to group members), or secret (hidden from search results and only visible to invited members).

6. Choose whether or not to allow members to invite others to join your group without, or if you want to only allow group admins or mods to invite members.

7. Upload a group main image.

8. Upload a group cover image.

9. Send invites to your contacts on the DIYvinci community.

10. Publish your new group!

As the creator of the group, you can also manage your group's settings and features, moderate discussions, and approve or remove members as needed. Groups are a great way to build a community around a specific topic or interest, and can be a valuable resource for sharing knowledge and inspiration with other DIY enthusiasts.

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