How to Create a Post

To create a post, select the Community drop down arrow, next select “Activity”.

Alternatively, you can navigate to your profile by hovering over "Your Name" located on the upper right and clicking on "My Profile". Next, select "Activity".

Creating a post from these areas will go to the main activity feed and also show in your profile activity. You may choose who the post is visible to including:

1. The Public (This includes anyone who visits the website and not just members).

2. Only Me (Will be visible to only you)

3. My Friends (Will only be visible to your connections in the DIYvinci Community)

4. Members (Will only be visible to logged in members of the DIYvinci Community)

To add emojis, click on the smile face icon on the far right side of the posting area. This will pop up a list of available emojis.

There are 9 types of posts you can create.

1. Status is text only.

2. Photo (can be a photo by itself or with text)

3. Slideshow which includes multiple photos

4. A Quote which allows you to add the quote, who the quote is by, and additional text.

5. A GIF allows you to search for a variety of GIFs in which you can also include text.

6. A File allows you to upload files such as a PDF.

7. Audio allows you to upload files such as an MP3.

8. Link allows you to add a link and display a preview along with added text.

9. A Poll allows you to create a poll by asking a question and adding up to five options. Images can be included in the options.

You can also add activities you're currently up to such as "How Are You Feeling?" by clicking the smile face icon at the bottom of the posting area next to the privacy selection.

To tag your friend connections in the DIYvinci community you can use the @ symbol and start typing their name or use the tag button located next to the smile face next to the privacy selection.

Once you've created your post, click the button "POST" and your post will now be live!

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